Welcome Civ 6! 
On this site you will be able to access our daily homework assignments, helpful websites and other important information.  You should work to make this site part of your regular studying/homework routine by checking it regularly.  I would recommend "bookmarking" it on your personal computer for easier access.

Civ 6 Homework Calendar:
It's a good idea to check the homework calendar daily for upcoming assignments and due dates. Please be sure to check the calendar for your SECTION.  Section 6-1 is listed first and 6-2 is listed below. 

Civ 6-1 Homework Calendar:

Civ 6-2 Homework Calendar: 

Welcome Back!
I cannot express how excited and happy I am to have you all in my class this year.  Please add to the "answer garden" below.  If you are unfamiliar with this program, it's quite simple.  Choose any space in the "garden" below and add a short response that describes your summer.  Keep in mind that the responses are brief, limited to only a few words.  I can't wait to hear more about your summers.  Until then, share in the space below with your classmates!

Additional Resources For Parents and Students

This is a great site (link listed below) for parents, students and teachers.  The site is easy to navigate and it is set up to help you learn more about ways you or your child can study best.  The learning toolbox offers helpful strategies for students who struggle with organization, test anxiety, writing, reading, advanced (critical) thinking,  and note taking.

What kind of "learner" are you?
Each one of us discovers and learns information in different ways.  Find out what kind of learner you are, and think about how you can improve the way that you approach your learning.  By discovering if you are a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner you can find strategies that meet your needs.  Click this link below to take a short questionnaire.

Multiple Intelligences:  What Does it Mean?
Each and everyone of us undoubtedly has developed different ways of learning and understanding. This site is helpful for parents, students or educators who learning about ways that we can process and learn new material.  This site offers effective strategies that  respond to the challenges of learning as well insightful resources that can give a greater understanding to the multiple ways in which we learn.

For Students:  Study Tips and Strategies

(click on the highlighted links to visits recommended websites)

Spelling Practice:

Create, Study, Print or Download from this flashcard library: 

Study Tips:  How do you

Flash Cards:  Do you need to memorize a fact or definition?

Test Taking Tips and Strategies: