This will be our first time using a blog to share study strategies, ask questions and even answer eachother's questions.  Please be mindful and respectful when leaving comments for others.  It is also expected that you use the proper grammar, spelling and etiquette when leaving responses for one another.

In order to post a comment, answer, study tip or question click "comments" in the upper right hand corner.  You will be prompted for some information, but it will not be public. Use only your first name, for privacy.  I will periodically be checking the study blog please keep in mind that this is a public space and your comments need to be clear yet kind and respectful of one another.  

Click the link below to edit our class study guide on the google doc.  Provide a definition and the significance of only the terms you were assigned in class. 

Class study guide

Happy Studying :)

Ms. Wall
2/16/2010 09:46:43 pm

Does anyone know a good idea how to memorize the shinto shrines?

2/17/2010 12:56:36 am

I like to use flashcards for studying

2/17/2010 12:57:18 am

my study strategy is i make flash cards and me and a friend go over them together by testing each other, you can also go over the cards by yourself, with the answers on the back.

2/17/2010 01:00:02 am

ok julia R. said that if you write on a mirror that you look into almost everyday it helps. I tried that with a little twist and pu index cards all over my room to places that i am alot. when i see them i tell myself to read them and i have gotten really good grades on those test

2/17/2010 01:02:10 am

I use an outline. It really helps to look at the big picture.

2/17/2010 01:03:08 am

I like to draw on my mirror with a dry erase marker, go to bed, wake up, and study the mirror. Angela, thank you for noticing what I say.

2/17/2010 01:05:33 am

I usually look over a package many times. I also make flash cards, make up a song, or highlight facts that I can't get into my head.

2/17/2010 01:12:43 am

I try either my sister.

2/17/2010 01:13:34 am

I mean I try to teach my sister

Ms. Wall
2/17/2010 01:13:36 am

How is the google doc. working for everyone? Do you have any suggestions about how we can use this as a studying tool? Or perhaps we can start an online discussion group? Thoughts?

2/17/2010 01:14:25 am

It's not working for me

2/17/2010 01:15:35 am

Nevermind it's working now.

2/17/2010 06:33:47 am

I usually I read through my packets and think of questions and answer them myself. Also I make copies of the notes we take in class and fill in the blanks without looking at the answers.

2/17/2010 06:35:41 am

There is not supposed to be and I after the word usually.

2/17/2010 07:31:31 am

I usually get all of my notes together and then write the facts down on flash cards. Also my mom usually helps to quiz me on them, after the flash cards are made.

2/18/2010 06:15:30 am

I like to study by making up songs, foldables,flash cards,and white boards.
I am a kind of superstitious person, so I use this lucky pig that Hannah gave me (thanks Hannah)and study with it next to me and then put it on my desk the day of the test. I did it for a scirnce test and did a lot better than on the test before.

2/18/2010 06:41:18 am

If I want to study something, I look at it until I can see it in my head. It helps if you do this because if you can see what the notes look like, you can remember what they said.

2/18/2010 06:44:56 am

I cannot get into the study guide. Can somebody help me?

2/18/2010 06:52:18 am

Since I cannot get into the study guide, I will write the words that I was supposed to do on here.

Amaterasu- Amaterasu is the name of the sun goddess who sent her grandson to concur Japan all Emporers are said to be decended from her.

Shinto- Shinto is one of the two religons that the Japanese practice. It's main belief is that their are spirits in nature called kami.

2/18/2010 06:57:47 am

For our Study Guide I had to write the definition for the word plains but someone had already written it so Ms. Wall or anybody else,do know what I should do?

Ms. Wall
2/18/2010 07:03:56 am


Check your email, you should have an invitation to our google doc. if not email me and I'll re-invite you which should grant you editing privileges.

Grace kuo
2/18/2010 09:10:25 am

angelas idea gave me in idea
since i see my family alot i wrote a question on a peace of paper and had my family put the Question on the front of their body and the answer on the back and when i got one anwsers they would go and get another card. It worked!

2/18/2010 10:05:09 am

I will usually make a foldable thanks to Ms.Brownell! That's really helpful for me. I would also just love to dry Julia's idea.

2/18/2010 10:08:28 am

Google docs was ok, you know. It could definitely work as a study guide, if you study the definitions, and what the important role it plays to the Japanese. I cannot wait until it is finish so I can study all of the definitions start to finish, no pauses.

2/19/2010 01:21:09 am

i really think that Google docs works you just have to know how to use it

2/21/2010 07:45:09 am

i use flashcards and the google docs are really helpful.

2/21/2010 08:18:02 pm

I also like to use flash cards. They're quick and easy to do, and when you use them, you really want to finish, so you study faster.

2/22/2010 01:31:17 am

i also go over and look at the study guide and I look over the terms and define all of the words to make sure i know what they mean.

2/22/2010 06:41:33 am

Google docs. is sort of working for me because I can read what others said but no one is ever on here at the same time as me.

Ha! This blog keeps us from studing in isolation.


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    Japan Test:  Study Guide and Group Discussion

    Hello Girls!
    Welcome to a online study resource.  As we discussed in class we have a test on Japan next Wednesday February 23rd.  Please use this blog to post questions about the test to each other, answer them, share study strategies and even make a class study guide together. 


    February 2010


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